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Sigma Chi is

More Than A Fraternity

We are leading the way

A brotherhood that is like none other, a network that exceeds all, and a fraternity that goes above and beyond.

Why Sigma Chi?

Pledging Sigma Chi might very well be the best decision you make during your college years. You will experience deep, lifelong friendships only made possible by the strength of our brotherhood.


Interested in joining sigma chi?


 Rush Week 

September 15 - September 22

If you are thinking about going Greek, this is the week to do so. Come out and get to know who are the Sigma Chi Brothers and everything that makes up Sigma Chi. If you are interested in joining or would like more information come visit us during rush week or reach out to us on any of our social media platforms.


How do I Rush?

Register for Orientation

Visit UTSA RowdyLink, Search for IFC, and sign up for orientation

Attend IFC Orientation

Once you successfully register for orientation attend the IFC presentation in the UTSA Student Union

Visit The Sigma Chi Brothers

After the presentation we will have a table set up, drop by to meet the brothers and learn more

Follow Us On Social Media

Add us on Instagram and Twitter

for updates and events

Join Us For Rush Events

Attend our rush events to see  if Sigma Chi is right for you 

February 3rd - 9th 


Click to Sign Up for IFC Orientation

Rush Week Events

The only brotherhood you'll ever want to rush.

The week everyone in Greek life waits for is finally here! The brothers of Sigma Chi want to ensure that your rushing experience is one to remember. Together we have put together the following events to give you the opportunity to learn what Greek life is all about and what makes Sigma Chi a leading fraternity.

  • IFC Orientation
    IFC Orientation
    Time is TBD
    Please attend the MANDATORY IFC Orientation to receive information about the Fraternities on campus and policies during rush week.
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